ONLINE CLASS: A New Year, A Bolder Brush for 2022! with Emily Passman (FULL)




Mondays January 10 - March 7, 2022 (no class 1/17)
1:00 - 4:00pm EST on ZOOM
M: $500/ NM: $550


You want to paint representationally, but with an expressionistic flair...


In this course we will reinfore essential painting techniques that will help develop your creative expression through a looser style. we will use recognizable subject mater: still life, tablescapes, portraits, lasndscapes and interiors. Painting from photos and life, we will engage in skills to further understand composition, color mixing, value, and brushwork. Structure of the course includes demos, quick exercises, assignments that push your work to a new level, and critiques that are serious, yet informal.

Oil and Acrylic Painters Welcome!


Sketch pad (important for thumbnail sketches and composition planning)
Vine charcoal or Pencils of different hardness (for oil painters I like PITT oil based pencils)
Small mat board cut into two “Ls” (makes a view finder)
Ruler or other straight edge
Drafting tape (low adhesive)
-1 or 2 sheets of 140 LB watercolor paper cold or hot (we will be folding and tearing into 6 smaller sheets for 
paint “studies” so you can do this prior if you wish)-if you will use this paper for paint sketches, please gesso or prime ahead of time.
Paper/pads of "canvas-paper” or other paper designed to take acrylic or oil, or Huile Arches paper for oils ($$$)
-Palette (can be a paper palette, wood or glass)
-Jars for medium or water
-Oil painting medium (this can be gamsol, liquin, walnut oil etc)
Turpenoid for cleanup and thinning. (less smelly than turpentine, still bad to breathe)
-Palette knife (s) 
-Brushes: varied sizes..(go larger!?) flats, rounds, (at least one 1-inch hardware store-style brush)
-Oil or acrylic paints
Use what you have!
I suggest using a warm and cool of each primary, and then a very dark brown to mix blacks.
Example palette: (exact colors NOT required)
Cad red, alizarin crimson
Cerulean Blue, Ultramrine blue
Yellow ochre and Cadmium yellow light
Van dyke brown, raw umber
Titanium white and/or zinc white
Neon CRM by Neon One