Carborundum Collagraph with Joyce Silverstone




Friday, September 20, 10:00am–4:00pm
Saturday, September 21, 10:00am–4:00pm
Sunday, September 22, 12:00pm–4:00pm
M: $400 / NM: $450



Carborundum Collagraph


Joyce Silverstone


During this workshop, students will explore making monotype transfer drawings and carborundum collagraph plates.  Transfer drawing is a great way to loosen up and refresh your appreciation for the marks and shapes of the natural world.  We will employ these “sketches” to provide the imagery for making our collagraphs.


The term collagraph stems from the Greek, “colla” being derived from the verb “to glue”.  The collagraph is composed of layers of materials that are glued or attached to a substrate.  We will explore one way of making a collagraph, by gluing carborundum grit to plastic plates.  Students will learn how to make the plates on the first day of the workshop, and we will ink and print them on day two.  There will be time to practice intaglio wiping methods using Akua Inks, and to experiment with layering plates together on the third day of the workshop.

Click HERE for materials list!


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