Oil Painting for the Beginner with Kathleen Jacobs




Friday-Sunday, June 21-23, 10:00am–4:00pm
M: $375 / NM: $425



Oil Painting for the Beginner

Medium: Oils

Instructor: Kathleen Jacobs


This workshop is designed as an introduction to the basics of oil painting.  You will be given guidance and encouragement to take up the brush without fear and have fun doing it in a relaxed and open setting.  Today oil paints are one of the most versatile of mediums and will ensure you a lifetime of fascination because of the exquisite color, texture and satisfaction they deliver.  Topics covered will include: painting materials & equipment; i.e. choosing quality paint, brushes, mediums and various painting surfaces.  This class will help you sort out what is necessary, useful and what you do not need.  Ideas will be given for choosing a subject, to composing your picture to making your first mark as well as beginner color mixing and painting techniques.  No experience is required.

Click here for Material List




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